This short tutorial is going to walk you through the process of contributing a resource to theResources.
- make sure you have a github account, and that you've been added to our development team (Slack us to join).
- get to the repo here, and, more specifically, to the folder where all of our individual markdown files will go right here.
- to create a new file in a new folder, click "Create new file" and type in both the folder and the file name:
- copy and paste your markdown into the editor (or just type it there).
- Under "Commit new file" type in a commit message ("Create my bio") along with any additional notes.
- Leave "Create new branch" selected and type in a name for your branch (no spaces!).
- Hit "Propose new file" to commit your changes to your new branch and submit a pull request.
- Assign JK and MK as reviewers.