Elmer Vivas Portillo

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Tools I Work With:

Resources I Have Made:


I joined the Learning Lab in the fall of my senior year. I was looking for an opportunity to join a space that cannot be found anywhere else on campus. Over three years I had seen my friends work at the Bok Center and describe the many incredible projects and software tools they had access to and how they were contributing to the learning experience of fellow peers. I wanted to join the Bok Center, learn about new tools and skills (such as coding, animation, and video making), all while assisting instructors.

Since joining, I have found an incredibly supportive community. All the staff at the Bok Center have shown their dedication to making the LLUF experience as enjoyable as possible. I have been able to learn about GitHub, the Adobe Suite, and FCPX, by working on projects that have an impact outside of the Bok Center. There is no way better way to learn than seeing yourself progress over time and ultimately be able to turn in projects that you feel proud of - and the Bok Center continuously creates that space for all of us.