the goals
to learn a little bit about airtable, and ultimately about ourselves.
the projects
the Bok Database
The Bok Center does lots of things, and will need lots of related data in its database to track these things. We're working on a series of docs that lay out some database basics
Global Feminisms Music Video Database
One of our LLUFs will be working on a database of music videos for a course on Global Feminisms. Interesting elements of this project include
- devising a data model for music videos: what are their salient properties? what are the one-to-many relationships we might want to track?
- grabbing playlist data from Spotify to populate the airtable
- moving data (music video urls, video length, video dimensions, etc) from YouTube to Airtable
- moving song analysis data from Spotify to Airtable using the Spotify API
- getting artist data and relevant links from Wikipedia, Spotify, allmusic, Pandora, etc
- using the airtable to create web views and interactions
- connecting airtable to canvas
- connecting airtable to scalar
the future