podcast structure workshop

This page contains links that may be helpful during the Bok Center Learning Lab's Podcasting Workshop for EXPOS20 Language, Identity, and Power.

Over the course of this hour, we are going to learn some tools for recording and editing in a variety of different software tools. We will spend most of the hour in breakout rooms devoted to each of the following applications:

We can also help out with any questions you have about Logic or Ableton if you decide to go with one of those tools instead.

Here you can find a google drive folder with the media assets we will use in the breakout rooms today!


As you begin to create your own podcasts, here are a couple of resources to check out:


If you have any questions after the workshop, or at any time during the production of your podcast, feel free to reach out to use at help.learninglab.xyz and we will put together a customized tutorial for you.


Today's workshop features: