All the things we might want this suite of tools to do. These can be pretty low-level and granular . . . like anything that would involve a single function even. We’ll keep everything modular and maybe we can even send code projects out to codeLab members if we do.
- rename card folder
- send
to Airtable
- send
to Airtable
- send
to Airtable
- grab 10-20 stills from card, not set number per clip
- send
to Airtable record for still
- make a
from a video file
- run the
script from within theTools
- handle Slack events
- handle Slack reactions and send to Airtable
- handle Slack
slash command
- grab beginning, middle, and end still from a clip
- process
- send
to Airtable
- listening for
in ll-photos
- query for
with relevant ts
- then update that still with emoji
- documentation
- how to install
- how to set up env variables
- how to update
- basic js tutorial
- make sure that
is getting added to yargs on the way to --ingest
- Timecode
- Can C300 receive TC from anything that’s a child of the ATEM system
- Otherwise try to keep one C300 clock good . . . or develop protocol for tracking drift
- update indexMessage with stillsRank
- find 1 and 5 stills with most votes and add to shoot?
by 20190902
- rename card folders
- send Card records to Airtable
- send VideoFile records to Airtable
- send RawStill records to Airtable
- (option) generate three stills (beginning, middle, and end) from each VideoFile and slack to #ll-photos with starter emoji
- (option) generate a user-specified number of random stills from the Card and slack to #ll-photos with starter emoji
- log timecode slate
- log moments from slack
- if extra stills requested, do so according to a value that's entered
- models locked down
- Cards
- VideoFiles
- RawStills
- Stills
- AudioFiles
- emoji log for stillsRank
by 20190930
- documentation
- if still’s average rating is greater than X, update shoot record to add that as a usable shot
- reference autoStills from Cards?
- For a given file, find tcSlate and compute clocktime
- Get cardId from script or human?
- Camera operator---where do we add this?
- update Slack photo-vote index message as reactions get added
- sync from timecode and prep MC
- get still from arbitrary timestamp
- log card renames to Slack
- guide to creating m2s stills
- update indexMessage with stillsRank
- proxy
- check extensions on import and throw error if not consistent
- check extensions and determine records to create (and ingest/rename workflow) depending on file type
- google drive then blocks
- s3 then blocks
- remove file once slacked?
- confirm that folder name is properly structured
- no spaces
- right number of underscore-separated items
- elements follow templates
- ID capitalized
- date properly structured
- counter right and not taken
- SubId capitalized
- make Airtable visible
- print tasks
- print calendars
- calendar on screen in ll
- print people
- initial mc sync
- handle photos of cards and 11x17
- sort, tag, log
- push to s3
- image processing?
- ffmpeg grab segment from in and out
- cli for google upload
- slackinvideo
from selects rather than from full length clips
by 20200106
- flickr then blocks
- google photos then blocks
- get “my” results for stillsRank as shooter/editor with slash command
- m2s
- make sure it’s not referencing anything with spaces
- handle spaces?
- slack to ll-photos on creation
- generate length of project from length of clips for fcpxmlGen
- handlers for different data formats for fcpxml generation
- collection of standard formats for each camera (use either camera name or ffprobeData to determine) for fcpxml generation
- draw text with ffmpeg on still production
- or imagemagick if better?
- get zerotime
- from relevant slate, compute TC for arbitrary clocktime
- but how do we figure out relevant slate? do we just count on doing it everyday (once) and choose that day’s slate?
- on card import do we tag the right slate?
- manually in AT?
- ffmpeg grab segment from unix time
- audio peaks to segments
- query AT for tc slate
- track which cameras are pointed at which rooms (so that time of day plus room gets you to camera)
- pull stills at set increments
- then assemble into elegant contact sheet with faux filmstrip that contains real information . . . maybe design echoes filmstrip but isn’t really filmstrip
- pull actual data to add decorative fine print . . . like slack stream? video data? waveforms?
- get a snapshot of bok or the ll for a given
- one minute (60)
- Welcome To New York Period (240)
- 1 hour period (3 600)
- 1 day period (86 400)
- 1 week period (604 800)
- 1 month period (2 592 000)
- 1 year period (31 536 000)
- deliverables AT automation
- generate fcpxml
- number of projects
- names of students
- title
- date
- brand
- tc and time of day
- ll branding
- w resources
- plus AT deliverable records
- field guide to the LL
- in AT
- script inDesign
- pull to web view
- print
- store fcpxml data in AT/S3
- fcpxml data from selects to AT
- dropbox to g drive
- stills from audio peaks
- synology to AT?
- flickr URL to real URL for all sizes
- on ingest query shoot each time to determine first and last frames (Unix timestamps for in and out points for shoot as a whole)
- YT markup to AT
- d3 vis of events, shots, edits, stills
- react dashboard
- find video by ts
- ts to AT, find clips that overlap it
- /slash what happened in the LL
- send back gif?
- spotify API
- natural language proof of C
- google auth proof of C
- lyrics from ….
- genius API
- audio analysis
- run ffmpeg on s3
- m2s on server
- moment log
- from alexa
- from slack
- from m2s
- from audio peak
- still2task
- get gif
- get sequence
- slack reaction timelines and vis
- hourly: sync airtable to X
- resource dropdown slack action
- generated music slack shapes
- when someone RTPs
- id shape and improvise
- remix song
- or
- handle stuff coming back from slack
- most summer2019 routes, actually