web authoring

This page contains links that may be helpful during the Bok Center Learning Lab's Web Authoring Workshop for GENED1001 Stories From the End of the World.

why web authoring?

Because the web is powerful! Almost anything (digital?) you can imagine can live on the web. Web authoring is an excellent choice of medium if your project combines text and other media, such as images or maps. It's also particularly strong if your content needs to be interactive in some way. But the expansiveness of the web means you as a creator will need to make targeted choices if you choose web authoring.

In addition, web authoring comprises a variety of things you might make, each of which communicates differently:

This breakdown suggests that a key decision point in web authoring is the level of interactivity. Are you using the web to combine text and other media? Or do you need to build your site in a tool that will allow your user to interact in ways other than scrolling and clicking links?

And why from an academic communication standpoint might you take advantage of these features of the web?


Here are some tools you might consider as you build your web authoring project. They are grouped into:

(No-Code) Site Builders

Roll Your Own

(Note: We don't recommend learning to code solely for the purposes of this project, even if we definitely recommend learning for yourself in the longer term. For now, you can build an awesome site using one of the builders.)



One additional consideration as you work on a web authoring project is how you'll host your project, a.k.a. where it will live on the interwebs. Many of these tools allow you to publish your project on their servers, including Google Sites, StoryMapJS, Storyboard and others.

However, if you want to combine tools or use a custom domain, you might need to look into other hosting options.


If you have any questions after the session, or later as you're working on your web project, feel free to reach out to us at help.learninglab.xyz! We will put together a customized response to your question or tutorial for you.