video authoring

This page contains links that may be helpful during the Bok Center Learning Lab's Video Workshop for GENED1001 Stories From the End of the World.

For those who weren't able to attend, here is the video from the workshop:



The following videos were shared in the workshop linked above. Below each video you'll find a photo of the timeline for each completed video to give you a sense of the overall composition.

Style 1 - Video Diary

This is an attempt at creating an intro to a post-apocalyptic video, all recorded with a smartphone and edited in Final Cut Pro X

And here is a view of the completed timeline in FCPX:

Final Cut Pro X timeline

Style 2 - Found Footage

This video makes use of archival and found footage to tell an apocalyptic story.

Premiere timeline

Another exmaple of this style is the opening sequence of The Americans:

Here are some other opening sequences that use stock footage that might be useful!



If you have any questions after the workshop, or at any time during the production of your video project, feel free to reach out to use at and we will put together a customized tutorial for you.